In the Lydiard Method, our runners don't use fueling during training runs except when 4-5 weeks out from goal race. They hydrate with water of course, or ucan/nuun.

But we don't advocate utilizing gels during training as then the body is burning the quick energy supplied by the gel, in carb form, instead of the most productive/efficient source of energy: fat. But now its time. We recommend testing several fueling options during moderate duration training runs to learn if they cause digestive distress and to gauge the impact from the gel, i.e. do you feel a effect?

The chart here shows the contents of the 4 brands we carry. Maurten has the highest carb count, and is all natural. It contains Calcium which is a key component in Maurten gel moving directly through the stomach to the intestine where it is broken down and absorbed quickly. The others are absorbed in the stomach. Huma is also all natural.

Each has their benefits. Everyone is different and likes different things in their gels, so test them out well before race day. We carry multiple flavors in each, except Maurten which only offers the gels in non-taste form. We can also recommend a fueling strategy, as its a bit different between brands and duration of your projected race time.

Bob Dyer (Co-Owner, Running Niche)

International business leader and specialty running retailer with deep expertise in the branded footwear and apparel industry. Co-Owner of Running Niche, a specialty running store located in The Botanical Heights neighborhood of St. Louis, Missouri.

Lydiard Peaking


Progress Calibration Runs